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Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Ezlb9tf
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Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Ezlb9tf
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 Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Stardust Warrior
King Of Anime
King Of Anime
Stardust Warrior

عدد المساهمات : 171
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2009
العمر : 31

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مُساهمةموضوع: Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي   Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Emptyالإثنين 19 يوليو 2010, 9:12 pm

Star Driver Anime Announced, From Bones

Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Star-Driver

For all who Don't know what Bones is , it is the company that presented u with
Fullmetal Alchemist, Darker than black & Soul Eater. So its one of the best Companies ever.

So far this year, we only have the robot anime Heroman that's been airing since April; and now they are announcing yet another robot anime with a pretty similar "dude-pilots-huge-thing" concept. It's called Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto (Star Driver: Radiant Takuto), and for those who usually enjoy this genre, this could turn out to be a big one.

Some noteworthy staff members include director Takuya Igarashi and character designer Yoshiyuki Ito, both from the team that animated Soul Eater, joined by some other guys that you can read about on ANN. Star Driver will be an original TV anime series, by the way, with a story about a boy named Takuto (or Tact) who pilots a robot named Taubaan (or Tauburn).

The anime's official website opened shortly after the news emerged from online reports and magazine scans, and I seem to recall reading somewhere that it will begin airing in Japan during the winter.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Stardust Warrior
King Of Anime
King Of Anime
Stardust Warrior

عدد المساهمات : 171
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2009
العمر : 31

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي   Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Emptyالإثنين 19 يوليو 2010, 9:17 pm

Supernatural The Animation Announced

Another odd choice of Western brand to receive an anime adaptation announcement this week is Supernatural, the American drama / horror live-action TV series that began in 2005. Through a newly opened official website and various other reports from Japan, it has been revealed that studio Madhouse will create a 22-episode OVA series called Supernatural The Animation for a January 2011 debut on Blu-ray and DVD.

Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Supernatural-anime

Warner Bros. will release the anime's first two episodes on January 12, 2011 through its Warner Home Video label, followed by two season-length "boxes" packing the remaining episodes. "Box 1" (episodes 3-12) will be out on February 2, and "Box 2" (episodes 13-22) on April 6, 2011. Mind you, these are the Japanese release dates, but I wouldn't be surprised if the English version will be out around the same time - like it happened withHalo Legends, which was also distributed by Warner in a similar format.

Although the original American TV show is about to enter its sixth season this autumn, the anime will only cover the first two seasons' story, spicing it up with some original episodes. These will include "prologues of the Winchester brothers' childhood, anime-only enemies, and episodes featuring secondary characters from the live-action version".

The Supernatural anime will be co-directed by Shigeyuki Miya and Atsuko Ishizuka (each of them recently directed a couple of Aoi Bungaku Series episodes), with Eric Kripke - who created the original TV show - also credited as the anime project's creator. ANN lists a few more staff members, along with an amusing typo of Kripke's name, as "Kriple".

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Stardust Warrior
King Of Anime
King Of Anime
Stardust Warrior

عدد المساهمات : 171
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2009
العمر : 31

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي   Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Emptyالإثنين 19 يوليو 2010, 9:21 pm

Angel Beats! Prequel Manga, Chapter 1 Online

The ongoing TV anime Angel Beats! has been gaining quite the popularity in Japan, despite some scenes of questionable quality from its first episode (and probably others which I have yet to see). Earlier this month, the anime's 6th episode earned a record high rating on Osaka's MBS station; and the two lead lolis - Yuri and Tenshi - have both made Newtype's top 10 popularity rankings, one of them on the top spot actually (alas, the wrong one!).

Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Angel-Beats-manga

As you might recall, Angel Beats! was announced from the get-go as a mixed media project by PC game developer Key (Kanon, Air, Clannad), so expect plenty more adaptations to follow. Already, there is a collection of 7 illustrated short stories written by Jun Maeda and drawn by GotoP, that's been serialized since November 2009 under the title Angel Beats! - Track Zero. Plus a 4-koma manga serialized since December 2009.

Now, a new manga series is starting to take shape. It's called Angels Beats! - Heaven's Door, and its first chapter has been released for free online viewing by publisher ASCII Media Works - right over here (via ANN). This is a prequel manga authored by Yuriko Asami, based on Jun Maeda's novels "Track Zero". Hope your Japanese isn't too rusty...

The TV anime series' 13th and final episode aired this June 26. Beyond that... who knows! But here's hoping for an Angel Beats! game version of some sort.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Stardust Warrior
King Of Anime
King Of Anime
Stardust Warrior

عدد المساهمات : 171
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2009
العمر : 31

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي   Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Emptyالإثنين 19 يوليو 2010, 9:22 pm

Dragon Age Anime Film, Co-Produced By FUNi

When FUNimation said it would start co-producing original anime content with Japanese studios, based on famous American brands, who could have guessed they would pick such an unlikely candidate as Dragon Age - BioWare's fantasy action RPG franchise. Sure, it's a famous brand by now. Sure, it's an awesome game. But seriously... an anime film?!

Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Dragon-Age-anime-film

It is with great skepticism that I point you over to FUNimation's announcement, also posted on their official blog, through which they are revealing this Dragon Age anime movie project. A skepticism furthermore fueled by Electronic Arts' involvement in the project, and their highly quesionable notion of "anime", as demonstrated by last year's Dante's Inferno"anime".

Production on the Dragon Age anime movie should begin this month, with a release on home video currently planned for 2011. However, they have yet to tell us which Japanese studio will create the animation for it. Depending on who they [can afford to] hire, the film's quality may fluctuate wildly; mostly along the lower part of the scale.

In other FUNimation news, yesterday they confirmed with ANN that their upcoming DVD release of The Sacred Blacksmith (Seiken no Blacksmith) will feature the series in its uncut form. They licensed the anime back in January, and are planning to release it as a single DVD set this autumn.

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عضو جديد
عضو جديد

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/07/2011
العمر : 26
الموقع : i don't have one

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي   Anime HoT NEWs  - أحدث أخبار الأنمي Emptyالإثنين 25 يوليو 2011, 11:47 pm

thank u
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Anime HoT NEWs - أحدث أخبار الأنمي
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